Bring your kitchen to the world!
Film your kids cooking. Show us how you make pita bread. Be filmed making your award-winning biscuits. Share the recipe for your family’s prized strawberry torte. Show us your “secret” to great gumbo. Film them all!
No fancy camera needed ~ No previous filming experience necessary ~ Make videos with your cell phone ~ Demonstrate your cookware or food product ~ Pitch your cooking school ~ Advertise your cookbook ~ Share your blog
Level 1 – Personal Video – $10
Home cooking, filming friends, recording family moments in the kitchen, demonstrating recipes & techniques, sharing your culture, preserving memories
- May not contain business promotions.
- May not contain either visible or verbal mention of brands or businesses in the description or video. This includes backgrounds, products, clothing, or links to websites. For inclusion of these, please submit your video in the Level 2 Promotional Video category.
- Approved videos will be viewable for a minimum of 6 months from post date.
Level 2 – Promotional Video – $100
Sales, events & festivals, promoting chefs, restaurant owners, catering, product reviews, cooking classes, food tours, give-aways, cooking techniques
- This can include brand names, business names, logos, and links to websites.
- Approved videos will be viewable for a minimum of 6 months from post date.
General Guidelines for both levels
- Videos must be about agriculture, gardening, recipes, cooking demos, cooking techniques or how-to.
- Videos must be no more than 7 minutes in length.
- Videos must be in English or have English captions.
- All videos must have family-friendly language and attire and be suitable for viewing by all ages.
- No fund-raising or crowd-funding of any kind.
- Permission is granted to The Cook’s Cook, by the sender and anyone viewed within the video, to use the video.
- We reserve the right to refuse any video. If your video is not approved, a full refund will be given.