Best Guides for Beginning Cooks
New or beginner cooks may be learning the basics of cooking and trying out new recipes and techniques. We have created these guides specially for those still getting comfortable with using different cooking tools and ingredients, who need help with certain tasks. With practice and experience, a beginner cook can become more confident and skilled in the kitchen.
- How do I marinate food?
- What is broccoli raab?
- What is the difference between extruded and rolled pasta?
- What is Bruschetta?
- What is a good knife for a beginning cook?
- What is Parmigiano-Reggiano?
- What is the best way to chop garlic?
- What looks like plastic but is not?
- How do I use an immersion blender?
- How do I poach an egg?
- What leftovers can I freeze?
- How do I store leftovers safely?
- What is the best flour to use?
- Which is the best type of oil for cooking?
- How do I deglaze a pan?
- How do I zest a lemon?
- What is a Salade Niçoise?